one woman's quest to live the life she's imagined all while daring you to do the same

Hello Sunday Morning: Holy sober! I remember that

I just came across Hello Sunday Morning today, thanks to a friend, Sam, who posted about it. I love the concept: redefining our relationship to alcohol, one sober Sunday at a time.

As stated on their about page: Our purpose is to provide a platform for individuals to create meaningful change in their lives by taking a short break from alcohol.

There are several challenges to choose from: abstaining one week from alcohol, their signature 3-month program, or even committing to one year sober, as well as other challenges not related to alcohol.

I signed up this evening to see how the website worked and was really impressed by the platform, as well as the short survey that offers users a better depiction of their relationship to alcohol.

The reason why this is all so relevant is because alcohol has been a hot topic of conversation in both my personal and client relationships.

I was just talking about it today, in fact, with a client. This idea of wanting to be fun and carefree and “not give a shit” sometimes, but also be on this road of personal development.

Clearly there is a lot of gray in between.

Alcohol is certainly not the evil, it is how we are using it that needs to be in question.

Personally, I found I was hanging on hard to that old me, the cooler me, the one who could drink all of us under the table.

I was always such a great drunk too. I was mostly staunch about my limits. I rarely threw up. And I knew just the right amount of pizza to Gatorade to ward off even the slightest hangover.

I’ve never been much of a liquor girl, but over the years became a little bit of a beer and wine snob (of the $12 – $24 bottle variety).

In recent years, with some food sensitivities and health issues, alcohol hasn’t agreed with me much. Due to compounding sensitivities, I removed gluten from my diet, which was a devastating blow to my love for both Belgian and German wheats. GF beers pale in comparison, and wine just isn’t right for every occasion.

Yet, I persisted. Suffering the consequences as they came. Meanwhile losing my impeccable tolerance and earning some wicked hangovers along the way.

Was it worth it?


Not to mention, my obsession with questioning motives and challenging old patterns.

Besides, the idea of drinking always seems way more fun than the bar tab, the restless sleep, and the wasted day to follow.

Something wasn’t adding up.

Despite clinching to that cool card though with my one remaining vice, I decided to take a break, and that break began a little over two months ago, July 22.

Just this past weekend, I thought I’d just have one drink–that that would be my new limit–but only a few sips in I changed my mind.

I’m not necessarily tapping out forever, I’m just saying that right now it’s not doing me any favors.

And since I’m in the business of getting rid of all that’s not serving me, it looks like it gots to go!

All that said, I just signed up for Hello Sunday Morning’s 3-month challenge. And then immediately had a small panic about all the upcoming sober holidays. Yikes.

Three months from today is January 1, 2015. What a deliciously clear-headed way to march into the new year!

I leave you with this: Even if you’re not up for the 3-month challenge, I definitely suggest you take a look at the site and perhaps try something that suits you at the moment. We all need a system of checks and balances, whether that be sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and the like. Check yo’self. Now’s just as good a time as any;)


Much Love,


Kat Hurley is a transformational author, speaker and personal development coach, making over motivation @The Year of Magical Dreaming. For the full 411, visit, yo!


7 Responses to “Hello Sunday Morning: Holy sober! I remember that”

  1. iceman18

    Good luck on your 3 month challenge. I’ll bet that you make it. Even through the Holidays. That’s when temptation will probably be the greatest. And, that’ll be when you learn the most about yourself.

    For me, toady, those Holiday dates are just another day on the calendar. If I seek to so something good for someone else, I’m fulfilled and don’t feel the need to fill my little waves of self-pity with alcohol. And besides, I do know that one drink is too many, then a thousand is not enough!


    • kat.hurley

      If it was just me at the holidays, I’d have no problem not drinking. It’s all the extra commotion that makes it a challenge;) Not to mention that I never out grew peer pressure. It’ll be fine. A challenge is a great excuse to ward off pushers.

      Thanks for reading and dropping a note. Always love to read and respond to comments.


  2. Ann90

    What a fantastic qualifier of what we think that alcohol does for us in our lives. It does none of those thing at all, quite the opposite. Fantastic blog, thankyou it has helped,me enormously


  3. howedevon

    I should probably think about cutting back. I live with 3 other guys, and peer pressure still exists at the age of 25……….. Great read 🙂 Thank you.


    • kat.hurley

      I know all about peer pressure and I’m 36;) Definitely takes conviction and willingness to be the “uncool” one, but the next morning when you bounce out of bed refreshed everyone will wish they weren’t so “cool” the night before. lol. Good luck. Thanks for reading!

      Liked by 1 person


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